
Saturday 27 January 2018

Summer Learning Journey: Week 2 Day 3 Activity 1

Today I did the first activity for day 3 week 2 of the Summer Learning Journey. For this activity, we needed to make about blogpost that showed our tips on how to avoid being stressed out, or depressed. We needed to say what we do in a stressful moment, and how much it can change you. So here are my tips, that I use to avoid stressful situations.

Tip 1: "Ignore"  You may have heard this from someone before, and think that it's impossible. My way that I would ignore stressful situations is to play an instrument. The most common way that I would become stressed out would my brother. So whenever he's nagging me, and giving me a hard time, I would go into my room an play electric guitar until I've calmed down. Although you don't need real instruments to do this, instead you could grab two spoons, and hit them together to make a chiming noise. Just make sure that you're being quiet when doing so.

Tip 2: "Create" My second bit of advice would be to create something, whether it's a piece of art, a piece of music, or a game, anything will help, and this is really effective to avoid what makes you mad or sad.

Tip 3: "Imagine: My final tip is to imagine, to be in your own world for maybe ten minutes, or more until you're back to your original self. In your own world, anything goes the way you want it to, and nothing can stop you from being who you want to be, and who you are.

Summer Learning Journey: Week 2 Day 2 BONUS ACTIVITY

Today I did the bonus activity for day 2 of week 2 of the Summer Learning Journey. For this activity, we needed to write a poem about the four men, who flew across the Tasman from Australia, to New Zealand, and as if we were one of them. I really liked this activity, and I like how to finishing product turned out.


         We've started the engine, and are ready to take off, to fly;
         Across the Tasman from Australia to New Zealand, in the sky;

         Although, after a while, it became a rough flight, as it started all well, until it was not a nice sight;
         It was cold, and stormy, and became harder me, and the other three;
         And our jumpers weren't enough, to keep us warm from the breeze;

        Until after many hours, after fighting the cold, we landed, history was made, and our story was told.

Summer Learning Journey: Week 2 Day 2 Activity 2

Today I did the second activity for day 2 of week 2 for the Summer Learning Journey. For this activity we needed to look at the Art Deco artistic style of painting, and give our opinions on an example of that style. We were not given the name of the painting, and I still couldn't find it after researching.

My Rating: 5/5
My Reason: The reason as to why I give this painting a high vote, is because of the detail. There is big difference from this photo, to it without highlights, and shading. Without it, it would capture the realism, and would look generally boring.

Credit: Self Portrait By Tamara de Lempicka

Monday 22 January 2018

Summer Learning Journey: Week 2 Day 2 Activity 1

Today I did the first activity for day 2 week 2 of the Summer Learning Journey. For this activity, we needed to watch one of these two silent film trailers, and make our prediction on what the movie is about. If you want to watch the two trailers, here are the links to them: The Lion's Cage : Gold Rush
The one I chose to watch was the Lion's Cage, and I think I have the correct answer to what the movie trailer was about. My guess as to what the movie was about is that there is a man who got trapped in a Lion Cage, and he wants to escape without awaking the lion. He tries to open the door from the inside, but instead ends up pushing the door's board lock trapping the man inside. After multiple attempts to leave, the lion wakes up from its sleep, petrifying the man. The lions wasn't alarmed or scared, so it attempts to go back to sleep. Someone then notices the man trapped, and sets him free. The End.

Summer Learning Journey: Week 2 Day 1 BONUS ACTIVITY

Today I did the bonus activity for day 1 week 2 of the Summer Learning Journey. For this activity, we needed to read a poem named In Flanders Fields, and give our thoughts on it. After reading this poem, it really did remind me about tragedies that occurred in World War 1, and the fight they pulled off for our freedom. I do like this poem, and it must've taken time in the making of it.

Summer Learning Journey: Week 2: Day 1 Activity 2

Today I did the second activity for day 1 of week 2 of the Summer Learning Journey, and for this activity we needed to write a blog post that explained our perspective about women rights to vote in Saudi Arabia. We needed to write about what we think when we hear that women could vote until 2015.

In my opinion, it was not fair. Only hearing that women in Saudi Arabia couldn't vote until 2015 instantly grabs my attention. Everyone on this earth should have their own rights, even if they are different. Such little differences between people shouldn't change the perspective of others towards someone, and really should've been changed a long time ago.